WHW: Carpet Stair Runner

Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Alright y'all .... if you're anything like me, you cringe when you hear the word carpet. I generally do not like carpet in any square inch of my home or our renovations. I understand it can be well done in some cases and does help with noise barriers if for example you carpeted an upstairs or a bedroom but its usually just not my cup of tea. (Rugs on the other hand? I can't get enough!) So with this new 'old' house we've been working on, the stairs are located directly to your right when you walk in the door. My friend just did a leopard runner on her stairs in their recent reno and I am now SERIOSULY contemplating doing the same or at least something similar. I ran it by the hubs and waited for an immediate "absolutely not" and to my surprise y'all I was greeted with an unusual response..."Sure". Insert wide-eyed emoji and also insert running man because I'm taking off! 

I know the hubs will want to do it himself so I've educated myself on all things stair runner installation. See this article if you're just dying to see the process (click here) But here is where I need y'all's help: How the heck do I decide on a pattern? I originally said some sort of animal print ALL the way but the herringbone and greek key patterns are pretty fabulous too. I also love the gold stair accent rods. Take a look below and let me know your thoughts - I can't wait to read the comments! Check back next week with a roof and window update!

Thanks for linking up with us today!

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