WHW: Pic Dump

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Hey y'all! Welcome to another What's Hap-pinning Wednesday. Thanks for coming back each week and linking up with Jenn and little ole' me! Today I'm sharing an overload of pics and that's about all I got y'all..ha! I've been getting that dreaded your icloud space is low warning so I've been backing up pics left and right (Thanks to Brittany and her life saving suggestion of Google Photos) We recently kicked off Fall with our first oyster roast at the house and it was perfect despite the hot temps and killer mosquitoes. Seriously - we had Bug Busters come out after that night and spray to get rid of those suckers. We love Fall though and using the grill now versus in the h-o-t summer. For example, the propane tank thingy has been empty since June or July and now we get a new one. We also hung some lights and utilized the furniture finally. I'm thinking about having another one in November to celebrate the Hub's birthday.

And speaking of fun get-togethers, we recently attended Family Day at Foxfield races and again, despite the heat, we had an absolute blast. Miss A is now a full blown horse addict and we also made th mistake of early exposure to gambling y'all. She bet on a horse named 'Glitter Star' (of course) and won 6 bucks- she's hooked!

This week is Homecoming week so the excitement is contagious around this small town. Today was sports team day and Miss A rocked her Redskins gear (no haters!) which made her Cowboy loving father less than thrilled (Ha!) and tomorrow is character day so we ALL know she'll be donning her best Belle dress. (I'll apologize to the teacher in advance for the glitter trail) Tomorrow we have the bonfire and pep rally and then the big football game on Friday night. On Saturday we'll hit up the autumn days festival and then on Sunday we head to NC to pick up our custom pineapple transom!

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