Friday Favs

Friday, September 28, 2018
Hey y'all! Happy Friday! First of all, I'm so pumped that I don't have a wedding this weekend! Terrible? Nope - just exhausted and I really want to spend some time AT HOME. We have a birthday party this Sunday for one of Andi's preK friends but its at a gymnastics place and its only an hour and a half (smart Mama planning right there and cheers to that!) 

Linking up with the usual gang today and sharing some random favs from food and wine to decor and crafts. Thanks for stopping by and have a fabulous weekend y'all! 

1. These chinoserie pumpkins. I say every single year that I want to order something like this but now I'm thinking I'll just make them! Fingers crossed that I at least attempt it. I just adore these. (click here for something a little easier than painting them yourself)

2. These two white wine are my fav lately. The first you can get at Trader Joes and the second is one that Mama and I ordered at a restaurant during our latest beach trip. Both are light but dry and super refreshing!

3. Piggy backing off of the blue and white DIY pumpkin inspiration - I've been pulling together so many inspiration boards for our future dining room. While I'm mostly thinking about chair coverings, I've also bean thinking of rug ideas and even a blue accent ceiling. Stay tuned!

4. I made this recipe earlier this week and it was SO good! It was also pretty darn easy and that makes all the difference for a weeknight meal am I right? I'll definitely be making this again and subbing out ingredients to switch it up!

5. I have to leave y'all with a little funny that I found most appropriate for me lately but you must sub the cookie for tacos. HA! Give me alllllll the tacos!

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WHW: Life Lately

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Hey y'all long time no see right?! I"m playing catch up this week after being out on my last vacation of the year. Can y'all believe we were actually able to go? I had completely written this last beach trip off and then they reopened the beaches that Sunday morning. We had the best week and I was so shocked at the weather in the Outer Banks. I mean, it was seriously sunny every day and obviously not many people. I had a lot of friends that weren't as lucky in NC and I'm still praying for them daily. There are so many ways you can help remotely if you feel so inclined! 

On the new home front, we scheduled a delivery date of October 22nd for the new window installations and I'm so excited/curious to finally see these black exterior framed windows. Also, despite the rainy weather, the roofers seem to think they can complete the roof in 3 weeks or so. The wiring is almost completely finished and this has shown me just how many dang light fixtures I have to pick out (I'm counting in my head and already at 14...) 

On the random front, I've been appointed chair of the silent auction committee of the largest fundraiser of the year at Andi's (and my old) school. Its one of my favorite events and there's just not a lot of planning time (the event takes place in November) so needless to say I'm stressing just a tad. I"m such a 'yes' person......WHY?! (Go Falcons!) In other news, I scored 6 bamboo and cane chairs for LESS THAN $100 and cannot wait to pick those up. I also scored these bamboo and cane end tables as well. I already have a table and 8 chairs but I'm a sucker for bamboo anything and just couldn't pass them up! 

Lastly, garden club starts back up this week and I'm co-hosting our first gathering and our little town is having its annual 5 county fair which is always so dang cute and fun. My Dad and I are hoping to take Andi this weekend so I will definitely report back with some fun fair pics!

If you made it this far, thanks for reading and be sure to have a great rest of the week! 

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Stay Safe!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Hey y'all! I lost track of time and blogging sort of took a backseat after last weekend's busy schedule. However, Andi loved her new dance class and the wedding I coordinated on Saturday went so well despite the weather change. My sweet Father got me a hotel room that night so I didn't have to drive all the way in the storm to get home after midnight and judging the new 2019 Longwood Cheerleading squad was so much fun on Sunday once I returned home. Sunday night Hubs and I were finally able to celebrate our anniversary and went to a fabulous dinner out. Monday brought around Miss Andi's first (school year) mega fever and we've kept her home from school yesterday and today. She's recovering but its so heartbreaking to see your little one sick and weak. 

Needless to say Mama and I are not prepping for our big beach week since this hurricane has made other plans. With that said, our little town of Farmville is in the territory of heavy winds and potential flooding. I pray that everyone, especially on the coastline and the already evacuated spots, stay as safe as possible! Be careful out there and took extra storm prep precautions. Lets keep our fingers crossed that Florence decides she wants to stay out at sea or at least weakens her force. 

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Cheers to 5 Years!

Friday, September 7, 2018
Y'all - we hit our first milestone: Cheers to 5 years of marriage! Multiple moves, a sweet as pie baby girl and 3 home renovations later and we're still trucking along! (I mean, that's saying something right?) It may not always be rainbows and staying under budget (Ha - see what I did there?) but we sure do make a great team. Due to work schedules and the fact that I have a wedding to coordinate this weekend, we'll be celebrating Sunday night when we're reunited. Can't wait! Have a great weekend y'all! 

9.7.13 - best day ever


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WHW: Porch Styling

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Hey y'all and happy Wednesday! Today I want to share some of my inspiration for a chic and cozy {Fall-esq} porch. Now keep in mind this is geared more towards our new house because we are installing the black frames for our exterior windows. The current house has a large custom black exterior door so it could still work but the space is much smaller. Anyway, with the white siding and black framed windows, I can't stop swooning over black and white stripes or gingham paired with pops of green like boxwoods. Of course you'll see my signature blue thrown around in the mix and lets not forget that the porch ceiling and floor will also be blue. I mean, that is a must am I right? Anyway, how glam is this color palette for an outdoor scene? Makes ya want to come over and have some processo on my porch!

3. Mats

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