30 Week Bumpdate

Thursday, February 26, 2015

How far along? 30 Weeks & 6 days

Size of Baby: 15.7 inches and 3 lbs

Total weight gain/loss: Down 4 whole pounds bc of the no carbs and sugars! I find that funny in the third trimester..... 

Symptoms: Everything is going so well with the sugar levels and new diet. I seriously cannot complain- it's annoying yes but when you're dealing with another life it makes everything so worth it. Fingers crossed that everything stays consistent!

Maternity clothes? Working with like the same 6 or 7 tops and living in leggings at this point! The belly just keeps going OUT! 

Stretch marks? Nope- thank goodness! Tight belly though- and getting bigger like every morning! Yikes!

Sleep: I have been sleeping great thank goodness! Still getting up to pee like 4 times but doing it in the dark so my brain doesn't wake up (I mean hey I've done it enough times to know where I'm aiming)
Rolling my body out of bed is sort of hilarious- I can barely get up!

Best moment this week: Getting another snow day but my darn ultrasound was canceled and I was really looking forward to getting her exact measurements and seeing her more in depth for the last time before she makes her arrival! (you know the South + Snow = END OF WORLD)

Miss Anything? Sweets of course!! :( Dang sugar levels..

Movement: Ya'll...I seriously cannot get enough! I now can recognize butt and feet and elbows! It is absolutely incredible to see the shapes she makes when moving around!

Food cravings: Fruit still, Outshine sugar free popcicles and yogurt

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope 

Have you started to show yet: ummm...hello?

Gender prediction: Girl! Miss Anderson Greer Otey (Andi)

Nursery:  Still at a stand still until after the shower but did find this adorable piece at Hobby Lobby yesterday for half off and fell in love!

Workouts: Treadmill after meals and walking walking walking - helps the blood sugar levels!

Labor Signs: eeek no! Braxton hicks? Yes I think!

Belly Button in or out? So weird... 

Wedding rings on or off? On but feel bigger- I think that happens in winter though

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Loving this little girl so much I seriously cannot wait to meet her! (Well...getting nervous with how quickly it is going by #panicmode)

Looking forward to: Seeing all my girls for Hillary & Ryan's wedding this weekend!!!!!!!! We leave tomorrow for Norfolk and all the wedding festivities from rehearsal dinner to ceremony to brunch on Sunday!

       Week 12                                Week 13                    Week 14                             Week 15

             Week 16                                        Week 17                                        Week 18

       Week 19                                                  Week 20                                     Week 23

            Week 25                                                     Week 26                                     Week 27

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Oh Twitter, How I Love Thee

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

 So let's just take a moment and chat about last night's episode of the Bachelor shall we? First off- not TOO many tears...that was a true first. Also, I'm really not sure how they made that last 2 full hours. The fantasy suite night is fun but I mean the whole point is for them to have some alone time without the cameras so what does that do for us viewers? Well, NOTHING.. we are forced to use our imaginations and when Becca comes out and says she's  a virgin but Chris tells Chris Harrison that he can see "just how passionate she is after last night" my imagination starts heading for the gutter people.... Anyway, this post is more of a place to brag today so let's just get right to it. So this happened last night:

I'm pretty sure I've tweeted to Chris Harrison at least once an episode for years from him running for next Bachelor and so on - I was thrilled! Ahhh we have a connection now (haha) I just love Chris Harrison. I'm pretty sure my next tweet to him will be about me stealing his job in the future... Oh and let's not forget when Chris Soules, the actual Bachelor, favorited my tweet last season when I decided to let him know that I NEEDED him to be the new Bachelor: (This season will forever hold a place in my heart! #Winning)

 So basically, in conclusion, yes...yes I will accept the rose this week!

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Monday, February 23, 2015
Hey Ya'll & Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great (Oscar) weekend! The hubs was out of town on work all weekend so I actually spent a lot of time hanging out at my parent's house and relaxing. Friday though was like mail day at the house! My sweet friend Edie sent us the Graco Elite pack and play/sleeper/everything basically from our registry and I was floored! That thing is intense and not to mention expensive so she definitely did not have to do that! Needless to say I was so excited to get my first baby shower item and it made me miss her so much (she is in Florida!) Next, a huge box arrived from Heather and the twin girls care package style. I'm mad I haven't taken a picture but it included books, a heart doppler to her Andi's heart, bottles, nursing storage containers, the cutest clothes and hats ever, a sweet pink crib blanket....I mean you name it! Clearly it was a fabulous start to the weekend!
 ALSO- speaking of mail. I received THE best piece of snail mail from my best friend Michael. (long story short: Michael and I grew up together and have been best friends through and through. He recently decided to join the Army/National Guard and just embarked on his journey through training. I begged him to do the pen pal thing and I got my first letter! Also, we have a weird inside joke obsession with Nicholas Cage- just to prepare you for what's coming) Anyway, it was a dream come true because my letter was from Forest Gump and said dear Jen-nay instead of Jessi at first (hahaha esisly amused right here) I'm so happy he is doing well and can't wait to get more letters in the future! In the mean time, he is getting a fun Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition with a little Nick Cage twist (muahaha <-- evil laugh) I'll share it once it's done! #ProjectTime #GlueStick

Also, did ya'll catch the Oscars? I love NPH and though he did a great job hosting (although he was no Ellen) If you don't follow NPH and his hubby on IG you should- his family is insanely cute. I was HORRIBLE this year at my movie watching and haven't seen any of the nominated films except American Sniper so I clearly have some catching up to do. I do however have some fashion faves from last night. What did ya'll think overall? I picked Gweneth for the win, Rosamund Pike for her stunnind red ensemble, Jennifer Lopez for those boobs and Emma Stone for hair and make-up!

Linking up today With Biana over at B Loved Boston

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Friday 5

Friday, February 20, 2015
WHAT A WEEK! I am so glad its over and ready to r-e-l-a-x. First of all though I really shouldn't complain since we had a full sow day and a delay but all of these new doctor appointments still made the week hectic. First, I bundled 2 of the out of town appointments so that I would only need to take Wednesday off and the Endocrinologist tried to cancel when I was 4 miles away bc of the weather! UM NO - needless to say I still went and was the only one they saw that day (haha thank you lady!)

I want to thank ya'll again for your support and information this week and dedicate this Friday 5 to how things are going as well as what I'm learning. Linking up today with the usual gang of Christina, April, Darci, Natasha , Amanda over at Meet @ the Barre and Karli with September Farm. for Friday 5 and Friday Favorites - join in if you haven't already and have a great weekend!

The Endocrine doctor and Nutritionist were extremely informative and helpful- this is so controllable with a more restrictive (but still yummy) diet and exercise, while checking your levels at home. They went over with me how to use the glucometer at home and I am pricking my finger to test my levels 4 times a day. (When I first wake up, 2 hours after breakfast, 2 hours after lunch and then 2 hours after dinner) Below is my log sheet, notebook and handy-dandy meter kit.

Meal planning really isn't as bad as I thought- yes I miss my icee, candy and sweets like nobody's business and it's weird not just grabbing something you're craving and eating it but you can make it work. The first thing I googled was what sweets I could get away with (hahaha) You're basically reducing/counting carbs and sugar versus changing entire diet. Also, I'm down 3 pounds in the third trimester....who can say that? (Doctor said it is totally normal and won't be bad for Andi. My body is just adjusting to less sugary foods) Here is an example of some of my meal planning so far:

Sorry for my scribbles

And here are some easier ways to see what is ok and what raises your blood sugar- charts are my best friend lately! All about portion control!

Overall yesterday and today my logs and levels have been RIGHT ON POINT it is incredible what a little diet change and motivation can do when you're dealing with 2 lives instead of just your own! If I keep things going this way then I won't have to go to next week's appointment so wish me luck! Each week I fax my log the day before an appointment and if all the levels are below goal - I'm in the clear! First test should be below 95 and every other below 120. As of right now I'm staying far below each goal and I'm very happy about it!

My log as of mid-day yesterday

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Monday, February 16, 2015
8 degrees? YIKES ya'll! I know that's nothing compared to the snow and temps further North but that's cold for VA. We're in a winter storm warning for the next day or so and I'm hoping we get the snow they're calling for. I could get down with a delay or a closing, not going to lie!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Valentine's weekend! Like I mentioned earlier, my gift was new insulation and an outdoor wood stove being put in so rounding out at about 12 grand, I'd say my gift was mighty expensive (haha so needed and will pay for itself in no time compared to the cost of filling our propane tank each month) We did squeeze in dinner on Saturday and had my parents join us. What better example of love on Valentine's day? Sunday my sister and niece came to visit and then there was a lot of lounging on my part and day time movie watching. Overall pretty low-key. Today, weather permitting, I have my first appointment with a diabetes educationalist/specialist and then Wednesday I'll meet with the Endocrine doctor. I want to thank ya'll again SO much for coming forth with so many resources and first hand accounts from experiences to sample diets. I'm really 100% sure that I don't know what I would do without ya'll!

Here's to another week! Linking up today with Biana from B Loved Boston

Where that beauty of a stove is going!

Digging in the 16 degrees all day for the piping

Pinterest man bouquet

New essentials...

Hallmark anyone??

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28 Week Bumpdate

Thursday, February 12, 2015

How far along? 28 Weeks & 6 days

Size of Baby: 14.8 inches and 2.25 lbs

Total weight gain/loss: up 3 pounds from last month! 

Symptoms: Not passing my glucose screening test was pretty awful- for some reason I was SO devastated. I had to go back yesterday for the 3 hour test which was SO much worse and I almost had to reschedule because I felt as though I would throw it up. Also, my poor arms/veins now look like a heroin addict from all of the blood work.... UPDATE: Just got the call and I have gestational diabetes... a lot is ahead of us and I would love some prayers for baby girl..

Maternity clothes? Soooo side ruching tops are in at almost every little teen store haha like the top I have on today's picture! Score!

Stretch marks? Nope- thank goodness! Tight belly though- and getting bigger!

Sleep: I have been sleeping great thank goodness! Still getting up to pee like 4 times but doing it in the dark so my brain doesn't wake up (I mean hey I've done it enough times to know where I'm aiming)

Best moment this week: Not the best week... :(

Miss Anything? Not really

Movement: She is packing some MEGA punches & kicks and it is still my #1 favorite thing in this world! (constantly too!)

Food cravings: Flavored ice and oranges all day every day

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope 

Have you started to show yet: yes

Gender prediction: Girl! Miss Anderson Greer Otey (Andi)

Nursery: Glider is here and it looks incredible in there! The room is really coming together! 

Workouts: 2 walks with Emma in this week so far (more like waddles) and squat/weights at night before bed plus stretching

Labor Signs: eeek no!

Belly Button in or out? Getting flat? 

Wedding rings on or off? On but feel bigger- I think that happens in winter though

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Loving this little girl so much I seriously cannot wait to meet her!

Looking forward to: Relaxing over the weekend and hopefully spending valentines day with my hubs

       Week 12                                Week 13                    Week 14                             Week 15

             Week 16                                        Week 17                                        Week 18

       Week 19                                                  Week 20                                     Week 23

            Week 25                                                     Week 26                                     Week 27

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