Hey ya'll and happy Monday/first day of Spring! Its supposed to be 65 degrees today even though I woke up to frost and a crisp 30 degrees. Virginia weather.... Anyway, this weekend was wonderful simply because I hung out with Miss A and just relaxed. Friday, we looked at a fixer upper home in our IDEAL neighborhood and sported our green for St. Patrick's day before grabbing dinner with my parents that evening. Saturday, hubs and I went back to said house, without parents etc, and took a TON of measurements and wrote down figures and did more figuring. The story of this house is an incredible one thus far and I can't wait to share it with ya'll if everything works out - so prayers would be greatly appreciated and I'll share more soon I promise either way! Saturday night we took Andi to her first tastee-freeze for ice cream and I'd say its her new favorite place for sure. I love small towns!

On Sunday, Andi and I headed to church and then had a lunch date in our matching outfits before meeting my parents and doing some grocery shopping together for the week. Hubs came home later that afternoon from work and we did dinner, got Miss A in bed and watched some disappointing Duke basketball. I'm still in shock they lost...needless to say, hubs is not happy. Today my co-worker and the one I was essentially filling in for is back from maternity leave. I can't believe its been 13 weeks already since I've started this new job. Today we'll be figuring out how to split the position from here on out so wish us luck!
I hope ya'll had a wonderful weekend! Linking up with Biana for Weekending.