Friday Favs: Hair Change

Friday, September 26, 2014
Hello lovelies and a happy Friday to all of you! Tomorrow I am taking the plunge to a (cough..natural) darker shade for my locks and need some feedback! I've been blonde basically my entire life but I've only been platinum blonde since a little bit before our wedding- and here's my secret: My roots are so dark ya'll..I'm clearly not a blonde (eeeek! scary I know) Platinum requires so much maintenance and so much money and being on pre-natal vitamins makes my hair grow even faster! Now that it is officially Fall I feel like this is the perfect time to transition right? Back in college, etc. I was a more dirty blonde and loved it- almost wish I had never touched it! I'm going to my friend tomorrow morning and we are going to tone it down. Below are the choices I'm bringing her so let me know what ya'll think! (and of course closer to summer I'll do my usual highlighting I'm sure)

Linking up again today with Amanda over at Meet @ the Barre and Karli with September Farm for today's Friday Fav's- join in! Happy Weekend! 


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Throwback Thurs: Fall Style

Thursday, September 25, 2014
So it's officially fall now and the weather is spot on for the season (although I think we're back to 80s all weekend) It has been 58 to 59 at night and a high of 68 during the day for the last couple of days. Fall fashion gets me so excited- it has to be my absolute favorite! There's just so many things you can do with it. Summer and Spring are exciting..yes..but I mean other than being able to break out my Lilly and wear dresses everyday, that is about the extent of it. I am also such a jacket/cardigan person so fall allows me to line my closet with every open wrap cardigan in existence!

Jessica Simpson (soon to be Jessica Johnson omg) has been in the media A LOT lately and if any of ya'll know me than you know this is a fabulous thing for me. I love her beyond words (creepy yes I know) and always have and her billion -yes billion with a B- fashion line is too cute and for EVERY woman. I stumbled across one of her first ever interviews and that's what inspired the #TBT to this post. She was 19 ya'll! I also have a picture of her and Nick that has always been my favorite go-to for fall fashion kick start and ya'll are going to laugh so hard. Bring on the denim but I love it! With that said, and Fall officially here, I wanted to share some of my favorite Fall fashion staples. Happy Throwback Thursday which means happy almost Friday!

Love this even today! Hey Mrs. Lachey..I mean Johnson...

Ok now ya'll have to check out baby girl Jess first interview I found! Total #TBT

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Monday, September 22, 2014
Well this is going to be a looong Monday since I have been off since last Thursday. Ugh- I'm over it already. Spending time with Heather and her babies was absolutely amazing. Mama is doing fabulous and babies just increased their feedings. She was also able to finally hold those sweet girls which means they are doing incredible! They have been moved to a hospitality house so that they can continue to be within walking distance of the girls until they can come home. Thanks for your words of encouragement and prayers from Friday's post! Please continue to keep them in your thoughts. I can't wait to get back there and spend some more time with them and see their progress. Check out the new beauties debuted below! Love you Heather!

                                    Meet Miss Madelyn Dakota Miller & Miss Baylor Kennedy Miller

Miss Maddie

Miss Baylor

Melts my heart! I love them so much!

Also this weekend I was asked to be a judge for the 2015 Longwood Lancers Cheerleading squad. I was so over the moon excited for the job and I had a blast doing it! I think they are going to have quite the squad this year if I do say so myself and I hope I'm invited back next year. It really made me miss my old cheering and dance days and the nervous feeling of tryout day. Speaking of cheerleading, I got to see my beautiful niece cheer as well! She rocked it! (just like her aunt haha)

Chloe the baby bee!

My sister, Mom & myself cheering on Chloe girl!

Redskins? Disappointing (close) game (loss) to the Eagles and then on the flip-side the Cowboys won...ew....not a great week for football. I spent some time with my parents, baked cakes because I had an overwhelming sweet tooth and caught up on some sleeping. Starting to really miss the hubs lately but just think- only 2 and half more months to go! (haha oh geez) Lots of house updates I need to post though- the show is still going on. I'll take pictures of the guest bath this week! We also had someone out to test and check all of our radiators on Friday and everything looks good- boiler is working as it should. I think we only need to find 2 or 3 replacement radiators out of the entire house so if anyone knows where to find decorative antique radiators let this girl know!

Linking up with the lovely B from B Loved Boston and I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

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Happy Friday!

Friday, September 19, 2014
Hey ya'll! I'm taking a short break and missing out on the link-ups today but will be back next week I promise! My best friend Heather who was pregnant with twin baby girls went into labor at 27.5 weeks so I rushed to be by her side. Baby Maddie and baby Baylor were 2 pounds 6 oz and 2 pounds 8 oz. Mama is doing absolutely fabulous and so are those precious baby girls! Prayers needed for their safe journey home- they have a  long road that starts now! More pictures to come soon!
Happy weekend!

Hospital selfie with the new Mama! 

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S-P-I-R-I-T Cookies

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
How many of ya'll read that post title in the tune of the classic spirit from cheerleader days? haha Hopefully all of you! I'm sharing a quick and easy way to add some spirit to your game day and also satisfy that sweet tooth at any tailgate. NFL team themed cookies are so easy and so fun to bring along to any gathering. I just did plain sugar cookies with coordinating colored M&Ms and chocolate sixlets. Rather than folding them into the batter, I simply placed the M&Ms on top once I took the cookies out of the oven. Pick up some team color ribbon and follow the link below to the team printables and you're good to go! I used Dallas and Redskins since we are a house divided- can you believe my husband is a stinkin' Dallas fan and we STILL got married?? I know...I was tough introducing him to the fam.... just kidding love! Let's just hope we can pull off another win when we play the Eagles this Sunday. Enjoy your Wednesday!

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Monday, September 15, 2014
What a weekend! I relaxed and stayed with my parents but I feel like so much fun was had by all! First of all we now have two new additions to the family. 1.) a baby donkey (I kid you not) and 2. a baby kitten I found in the middle of the dang road in the middle of the night! I want to keep this little orange, snugly bundle of friendliness but the hubs is allergic! I am in the process of finding this little babe a new home now (would consider keeping her outside at the house but she is the sweetest, most cuddly already basically indoor petite thing I've ever seen! (like that description?) It was fabulous seeing my niece as she turned 13 this weekend and she loved her monogram themed gifts! (cool aunt alert haha) Also celebrated my father-in-law at a wonderful family cookout and on Sunday we had a huge win for my Redskins (Go 2nd string QB who should be QB 1 in my opinion) and the new Miss America was crowned.

Now, I'm not one to be negative because this year's group of girls, as I've sad, was so dang talented in every aspect. Everyone did well on onstage question, swimsuit, etc. but ya'll.... I have to be a poor sport and say Miss VA, Courtney G, was robbed. She is a beautiful person inside and out and has the best defying disabilities platform. She nailed her opera talent, question and swimsuit and gown. I was almost in tears when I saw that Miss VA, my top pick this year, had made it to the final two! When Miss NY took the crown I thought to myself..."she wasn't even in my top 15 and definitely not on my radar for the past 2 months." Also, 3 wins in a row for Miss NY? Really? I call an investigation...haha (NY's talent ya'll? Thoughts????) anyway let me stop, all ladies were fabulous this year and I'm still proud of VA for basically going all-the-way!  Great job Courtney and I love that you are representing VA for the full term!

Linking up with the lovely Biana at B Loved Boston for Weekending- how was your weekend?


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Friday Favorites

Friday, September 12, 2014
Hello lovelies and happy happy Friday! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend planned! Me? I'm just going to take Miss Emma Jo and head out to Grandma and Grandpa's house (my parents) and probably stay the weekend!

It has been quite the transition week here in the Otey household. The hubs received a temporary transfer to Toledo, Ohio and won't be back until around December. Basically, he got the call on Saturday (right before our one year anniversary)  and had to be there (10 hour drive) by Tuesday morning at 9am. Now we knew this could have been coming and voluntarily applied because it is a fabulous opportunity $ wise with some other perks too but I guess I just didn't think he'd really get picked with so many applying. Ah! So anyway it's just myself and the pups holding down the fort for now. Luckily his Dad is coming over regularly and helping to finish the guestroom and guest bath before he comes back! We have never been apart more than about a week tops EVER so prayers would be nice for a safe return and quick in-between. My friends have been so fabulous and have really been keeping me company so far!

** I know it's weird to announce that I'll be alone but we are gun owners and trained with them so don't get any ideas people...there's neighborhood watchers, a fabulous community and town police, ADT and I watch Lifetime so bring it on. In the words of Jessica Lange:

Linking up again today with Amanda over at Meet @ the Barre and Karli with September Farm for today's Friday Fav's- join in!  

When the transfer happened one of my friends who is also married to a railroader showed me this and it absolutely made my day! When can the production team and camera crew get here? I'm ready!

Check out this double vanity hubs scored for the future kids' bathroom for only $100! Just needs some paint and hardware switch-out! (& it fit perfectly in the space)

So we all know by now my love for J. Simpson right? Right. Have ya'll read the new Glamour article she did on 5 vows she's making towards of loving marriage? Adore it.

Read the full article here

Don't forget to tune into ABC on Sunday at 8pm for the Miss America Pageant! I've got my top 10 and really pulling for VA this year bc she's from my hometown! This year's group of girls is so dang talented- the competition is fierce ya'll!!

More info on Miss America Organization here

Favorite Recipe:

Umm this pumpkin bread of course!

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