
Monday, July 31, 2017
Hey y'all and happy Monday! I'm ready for this week to fly by because we leave for the beach on Saturday and I am overly thrilled about that fact! However, lets talk about this last weekend first. It was so simple with nothing crazy scheduled and the weather was absolutely AH-MAZING. Last night, for example, I left the windows open and woke up freezing in the morning! It was heavenly and even smelled like Fall y'all! (I know its only August but this girl is ready for September already!)

Anyway, my monthly ladies night group met and we did Drinkable Arts - a hosted wine glass paint party and it was so much fun catching up and crafting! Saturday I had dinner with a friend from church to discuss a new young adults Sunday school class and then Sunday after church....dun dun duuunnn.... we had a real estate agent come out and assess our home. It went REALLY well and we meet with her again this Wednesday to talk numbers and a listing plan. It is SO scary and only a tiny bit exciting to think we may be leaving our dream home but we do know in our hearts that we would like to be back where we were in town. Of course, I'll keep y'all updated on the process we're about to take part in. Whew! In the meantime, here are some scenes from the weekend.

Linking up with B from B Loved Boston 

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Friday 5

Friday, July 28, 2017
Hey y'all and happy Friiii-daaay! This week was so packed with fun stuff and next week we'll be gearing up for our annual Otey beach trip to the OBX and I seriously cannot wait! I hope y'all have a fabulous weekend! 

Linking up with AprilKarliAndreaAmanda & Erika

This face of pure summer fun! My MIL sent me this photo on Monday and I totally meant to share sooner. That's Miss A - always smiling!

I received a fabulous surprise mail day from one of my favorite blogging friends! Ashley from Hanging with the Hirsts sent me this absolutely adorable pineapple icon hat with a monogram on THE BACK! How cute is this y'all? My day was made! If you want to snag your own, check out her shop - Premium Pineapple Embroidery. Thanks Ashley! 

both from Premium Pineapple Embroidery!

I spy a cute face peeking over the counter in the back!

So we always try to squeeze in a mini-photo sesh during our beach vacay and last year we did matching outfits and managed to get hubby on board. I'm definitely going for this Lilly print (Beach and Bae) this year but haven't pulled the trigger yet because I'm not sure if I want the top or the dress 

This song. Why in the world do I love this song so much? So catchy Biebs....

I'm craving this pasta that Brittany Shared from Life as the Mrs. on Wednesday and I MUST have it! Perfect for summer!

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WHW: Big Girl Room

Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Hey y'all and welcome to another What's Hap-'Pinning' Wednesday! Today I'm sharing some inspiration for Miss A's transition to a big girl bed/room. Although she has showed ZERO signs of ever escaping or trying to get out of her crib, her success with potty training is proving that the transition probably needs to take place sooner rather than later. Also, during our getaway last weekend she did fabulous in a queen bed with me! I haven't rushed it because her room is upstairs and kind of far from us so I'll have to gate everything off. Her room is on mid-level that has access to a third floor as well so double the gates (gasp!) Its sad to be leaving yet another stage behind but also super exciting to sort of tweak her room which has always been my favorite space in our home. 

We bought her the Eddie Bauer Langley crib from Target in white which transitions nicely into a full sized bed. I just need to get the conversion kit now and a full sized mattress and we should be all set. The crib has held up wonderfully and with the less than $300 price tag, I'd recommend to anyone! Bedding wise, I've fallen in love with Pottery Barn kids' pineapple duvet set and actually found it new and a heck of a lot cheaper on Ebay but haven't quite decided yet. My Mama bought me 2 vintage Barbie calanders because I always knew I wanted to pick some out and frame them for her 'big girl room'. Below is her current room and colors and also what I'm thinking we may do. (not a drastic change - I just love some of the elements from the below pins) So wish us luck and once we actually transition, I'll definitely keep y'all posted on progress! 

Her current room
Cannot wait to frame the vintage Barbie watercolors I've collected!
More fun inspiration!
Via Pottery Barn Kids

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Weekend Getaway

Monday, July 24, 2017
Hey y'all and happy Monday! Today I'm drowning in work emails and corrections that need to be made via Accounts Payable..ok blah blah I already lost half of my readers right? Well I'm also wishing I was back at the bay with my mini-me because we had THE BEST TIME TOGETHER EVER! Y'all, it was just Miss Andi and myself Wed-Sat and we had an absolute blast. Each day we would get up, eat breakfast, get on the beach by 11, nap (or in my case read my book AND finish it) by 2 and then shower and go out to dinner together for a Mama & Daughter date. Afterwards we would pick a movie to watch and head to bed late at like 10 or 11 and sleep together in the same bed which was seriously so cute and fun. Andi even slept until 10am or later...10am y'all! All in all it was a fantastic time and really showed me how much she really is my little bestie for life (until we hit that rocky teen age)

Saturday we came home and our new mattress was delivered and hubby had set up the new king bed. It is MASSIVE and almost dangerously high but it was so fun sleeping on it! I had the best sleep ever and I"m really happy with our purchase! Pictures and details to come once I get it staged (haha) Church was canceled due to a power outage so we were pretty lazy on Sunday. Sunday evening hubs took Miss A to his parents and they hung out for a few hours while I got some stuff done around the house sans toddler. (squeezed in an uninterrupted workout and even binged One Tree Hill over wine)

Hope y'all had a fabulous weekend!

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WHW: Y'all

Wednesday, July 19, 2017
So..y'all know me by now and are completely aware of my all over the place grammar. Hey, that's just part of the Southern charm around here am I right? I literally just type how I talk. Y'all also know by now that I open pretty much EVERY single post with a big ole' "Hey Y'all!" I was browsing the internet over wine the other night and came across this gem of a video of Tami Taylor saying 'y'all' like 100 times and I literally laughed out loud. How fitting for my little space? I obviously must share:

Now that I've gotten everyone on the lovely path of reminiscing about how ah-mazing Friday Night Lights was - how cute are these shirts? I'm torn as to which one I'm going to order (yes, I' need one..10 years later. I mean, hello Newlyweds! Nothing gets old to me) you know, right in time for football season and my 3rd annual FNL binge re-start. Clear Eyes, Full Hearts....ok ok y'all get it, I'm obsessed. Texas Forever!

And with my favorite season coming to us in a little over 2 months (well my high school's first home game is Aug. 25th - calendar marked) don't forget about good ole' Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Making the Team coming in hot for their 12th season on August 3rd at 10pm on CMT. Its funny because we finally cut the cable cord and switched to SlingTv this month (more on that to come) but I had to make sure CMT was on the list of channels so I could watch this...along with Bravo, AMC, HGTV and many others and I must say so far so good with Sling!

Oh and Miss Andi is ready for football too can y'all tell? I've got to record her doing her 'cheerleading routine' - it is the cutest thing ever! (think go, fight, win and mini stunts)

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Monday, July 17, 2017
Hey ya'll and happy Monday - I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! We spent some time at the pool, finished up Andi's swim lessons, squeezed in some parental time (as in hanging with my parents) and then my sister and her kiddos came to visit after church on Sunday for the day. I also got some crafting done last night over wine before hubs and I binged some Netflix. Overall it was nice and relaxing and I'm hoping these next few days go by semi-quickly because I'm leaving for the bay house on Wednesday for a mini-vacay through that Sunday. I'm super excited to get down there so bring it on! Also, can we talk about how July is almost over? I'm 100% ok with that but geez! So - our freezer was left cracked last night and pretty much EVERYTHING defrosted....cheers to Monday am I right? Poor hubby, had to leave him with that because I was already late for work. Anyway, here are some snaps from our weekend:

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Friday 5

Friday, July 14, 2017
Hey ya'll and happy Friday! I haven't joined in and linked up for a Friday 5 in quite sometime but we've had so much fun stuff going on so I thought I'd share. I hope ya'll have a fabulous and relaxing weekend and I'll catch ya'll back here next week! 

Linking up with AprilKarliAndrea, Amanda & Erika

1. Miss Andi has been kicking butt lately with potty training and we've been using a fun potty chart we found on Pinterest. Basically, every time she tells us she has to go potty and successfully goes, she gets to pick out a sticker and put it on the potty chart. We taped it to the diaper genie beside the toilet so its convenient and fun for her! She made it to the bottom and her incentive is being able to pick out a new toy. She picked out more stickers and watercolor coloring book - bless!

2. Miss Andi has her last swim lesson today and I love that she's now so comfortable with the pool! Pool days are the best (when they don't interrupt nap time) and I can't wait for her to show off her skills at the beach this year!

3.  Ya'll, how cute are these wooden cut-out signs I scored on Zulilly this week? I cannot wait to paint them and get them hung up on the front door. However, the shipping took way over a month so we kind of missed out on the 4th of July one. Ya'll better believe I'm still hanging it up through August though. Stay tuned for an update once I paint them!

4. Speaking of painting, Miss Andi thoroughly enjoyed getting her artistic side on with the cardboard those signs came in. I love turning on some tunes, grabbing some juice and a towel and letting her go to town. Its the perfect summertime activity for toddlers! Check out her 'masterpieces':

5. What's my favorite jam lately? John Mayer's new country vibe song has been on repeat lately! I'm loving it - what do ya'll think?

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