What's Hap-"Pinning"

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Hey ya'll! Happy hump day and welcome to another link up featuring what's hap-pinning in your life! My partner in crime (Jenn) informed me yesterday that we have been going strong on this link up for 6 months already! Thank ya'll so much for joining in each week! I have to make today short and sweet. We've had quite the week already. I was finally able to get my car out yesterday for the first time in almost 5 days, my Mama has stayed since Thursday because her work is closer and just went home yesterday (I miss her already!) and Miss A was going a tad stir crazy. Also, our semi-new laptop decided to seize out completely so we're having it looked at and I'm currently channeling 1999 and using my Mama's desktop to draft this post. Yup, no joke. Also going on, if ya'll wouldn't mind sending a little prayer to my Dad. Yesterday my uncle took him to the ER because of pains in his jaw, neck and head plus uncontrollable sweats. They did an EKG first and ruled out heart so that was good. They are doing an MRI and keeping him there for observation. Docs think maybe its a form of vertigo? Whatever it is, I know my Dad hates to be in a hospital. Please keep him in your prayers.

I hope ya'll have a fabulous rest of the week and I'll be back to blogging as soon as our laptop is resuscitated! Here are some of my favorite things currently. Grab our button and link up below to join in on What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday!

Did anyone tune in Monday for the Bachelor? Can we just talk about the awkward craziness that is known as Olivia? And to think I had high hopes for her on night one.... I'm liking Caila, Jojo and Lauren B thus far. If you missed it, I'm sure Jess has a fabulously hilarious all you need to know recap over at Little Bits of Joy

and speaking of the Bachelor - I must have these wine glasses! Of course I play this game each Monday and sport a slight Tuesday hangover but having the rules on the glass itself? Golden!

My little monkey is climbing up on everything!

What a fun craft! Must do this!

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Friday 5

Friday, January 22, 2016
Ahhh happy Friday and 'historic' snow storm day fellow Virginians! I clearly canceled my trip down to Charlotte once VDOT interrupted Kelly & Michael and urged everyone to literally not get inside of their vehicles. At first I thought it was just the over-reactive Southern response to snow but now I'm kind of worried! Yikes! I even battled the grocery store last night, along with everyone else I my town, but I did get my milk, bread and wine. My Mama is even spending the night again tonight  because I'm super close to her work (so basically I still get my wine-time/girl-time this weekend!) Anyway, on a serious note, be careful out there and try not to travel. Stay cuddled up inside and use this as an excuse to just not do anything but spend time together in your PJs!

Linking up today with April from A. Liz Adventures, Amanda over at Meet @ the Barre , Karli with September Farm. and Andrea from Momfessionals for Friday 5 and Friday Favorites. Join in!

1. Favorite Funny

2. Favorite Style Find

3. Favorite Recipe
Copycat recipes that are better than the real thing!
4. Favorite Guilty Pleasure - ya'll know my obsession with J. Simpson and around February (literally every year) I feel the need to re-watch all the seasons of Newlyweds. Nick + Jess = forever! (I need help...)
5. Favorite Craft find - since we'll be stuck inside from the snow!
Fingerpaint frame via

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What's Hap-"Pinning"

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Happy Wednesday ya'll....are you in the areas that are supposed to get hit with mega snow this weekend?? We are and yikes! I'm supposed to go to NC this weekend to stay with a friend but I'm pretty sure I'm not leaving my driveway if what they're calling for is really coming. I'm talking snow, rain, sleet, eek! Also I'm worried because our new (huge) outdoor woodstove isn't working and producing heat as it should. The house is sitting around 60-63 and takes forever to catch up and with the amount of wood we're going through, the EPA is going to hunt us down! Hubs has spent a pretty $ on parts etc. so we're praying for some good results with this big ole' investment.  Hopefully we figure something out asap before this snow storm!

Ok so onto the 'pinning' part. (However, when you link up it doesn't necessarily have to be something that's found on Pinterest. It can be anything!) I know Miss A just hit 9 months but I'd be completely lying if I said I haven't been thinking about her 1st birthday (like a lot) I went back and forth about whether or not to have a small or big bash and ultimately I've decided on medium. I mean, its the big first bday ya'll! April 12th will be here before you know it and I'll need to have invites out a few weeks before. Here are some of the things I've been pinning all over my baby/party boards. For the record, this is so much fun to plan even though I know she won't remember a thing. Bring on the pink and green and champagne for the Mamas!

 Grab our button, link up below and share what's going on!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Hey ya'll! Checking in on a Tuesday since I missed the official weekend re-cap. I'm not sure about where you are but it is c-o-l-d finally and I loved getting our first little snow here in VA on Sunday. It didn't stick around long but it was beautiful. I really wanted to take Miss A outside in one of her puffy snow suits for the obligatory first snow pic but her cough is so yucky and she just wanted to cuddle. Ya'll, is it terrible to say that while it is downright AWFUL to have a sick baby...the cuddles are ah-mazing. Gosh I love that girl with all of my heart. Send some well wishes our way if you have a minute!

We did manage to get out of the house on Saturday and take a little Hobby Lobby trip. They are having a 70% off all home accents sale and needless to say we picked up a random assortment of fun things. There will be some crafting in our near future. Hint: lot's of metallic gold spray paint, a ceramic pineapple and lab bookend, valentines wreath materials, bow display and a new coffee table tray to stage! My sister came in to visit yesterday and I must say that sister/girl time is just good for the soul. We had countless cups of coffee and just caught up on everything. We also look like we're twinning with my new darker locks. . . I'm trying to embrace my darker natural color and as usual when I go darker, I'm not sure how long it'll last. We'll see though - operation 'get healthy hair again' is in full swing. Can that be my resolution this year? (because Jillian Michaels has definitely not started yet....) Anyway, I'm headed out to run some errands so have a great Tuesday ya'll and remember to come back tomorrow and link up for what's hap-"pinning" Wednesday!

and psssst, new bow styles are available! Check em' out and let me know if you want to order!


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Friday 5

Friday, January 15, 2016
Hey y'all and happy FRIDAY! Woot woot! Today Miss A has a doctor's appointment which happens to be perfect timing because I think she's getting her first cold. Bless her happy little runny-nosed heart. Also, we might head on down to the bay house this weekend at some point just to join my parents and get a change of scenery. I do love being by the water even if its chilly out! I hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend ahead - cheers to the weekend and Friday favorites. Linking up today with April from A. Liz Adventures, Amanda over at Meet @ the Barre and Karli with September Farm. for Friday 5 and Friday Favorites. Join in!

1. Favorite Funnies

2. Favorite Recipe

I made the one-pot lasagna soup that I shared last week and it was ah-mazing!

Recipe I used here

3. Favorite Link

On Wednesday's What's Hap-pinning post I shared my favorite coffee table styling tips and now I've come across some of the same styling inspiration for your kitchen!

4. Favorite Snaps

5. Favorite Etsy Shop

Ya'll have to check out this shop: E. Olsen Designs. Created by a fellow Hollins Alum, she does everything from monograms, stationary and home accessories and it is definitely worth checking out.

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What's Hap-"Pinning"

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Happy hump day and weekly what's hap-pinning link up day! I go through phases with pinterest ya'll and recently I've been all over it. I've mostly been pinning 1st birthday party ideas...yes, Andi will be one in just about 3 months and it is unbelievable! I can't breathe just talking about it -ah! However, it sure is fun picking out invites, etc. at this point in the planning process. Time flies when you're having fun right?

Let's get back on the subject of what's hap-pinning shall we? Today I want to focus on some design tips for the home. I'd like to start with coffee table styling. This one may sound odd, especially with an almost walking baby in our home but I do love a good staged coffee table ya'll. We currently just have a toile-lined wooden tray that holds everything from candles to our remotes and it isn't very organized. Back in December when I attended my besties baby shower in Atlanta is when I noticed the art of coffee table styling. The girl's home that threw her shower was so perfectly staged that I was afraid to sit down. It was absolutely beautiful and completely ripped out of the pages of some of my favorite magazines (I SO wish I had snapped a few stalker-ish photos) It's really quite simple once you get down to is and of course Pinterest is a great reference. Here are some of my favorite way to simply style your once plain (and maybe unorganized coffee table)





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Monday, January 11, 2016
Happy Monday and chilly start to a new week! I hope ya'll had a fabulous weekend! On this end, we squeezed in some family times, a 3rd birthday celebration, lots of football with some added Redskins disappointment and then topped it off with some Golden Globe watching and red wine. First of all, was everyone as excited as I was to see Leo finally win a Golden Globe?! I'm going with my Mama to see The Revenant tomorrow and I'm already bracing myself because I've heard countless times that it is overly intense. I was also super happy to see Mr. Sylvester Stallone win one for Creed. I've always had a soft spot for the Rocky movies! On another note, I really wasn't blown away with this year's fashion. I kept looking for a stunner but I really was sort of disappointed.... And Kate Hudson really missed the mark this year. She is usually always on my favorites list. Here are some that are worth mentioning:

I also wanted to thank ya'll again for the Jessi's Design Bows support! I've got some orders I need to ship out this morning and I am so grateful and happy! I adore making these and the Instagram support has been incredible. Word of mouth or word of photo? (haha) Oh, and don't forget that tonight is Bachelor Monday! Join me for live tweeting and have that glass of vino ready. Cheers to Monday ya'll and I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

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Friday 5: Bow Sale + Lilly Styles!

Friday, January 8, 2016
Hey ya'll and happy Friday! This was a fast week huh? Just kidding - I know some of ya'll started back from break and it probably made for a super slow week. Hopefully it wasn't too hard getting back into a routine - Cheers to the weekend even more so!

For today's Friday 5 I'm sharing 5 styles of Jessi's Design bows that have been marked down to $5 each or two for $8. Thank ya'll so much for your support during the Insta sale! I'll definitely do another one next week with new styles to pick from so stay tuned. I haven't tested it out on my actual blog so lets see how this goes. It's easy - just comment sold with your e-mail (or if you don't want to leave it on here, you can e-mail me directly) and let me know your style choice.

I hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend! Andi has another birthday party to attend on Saturday so I'm excited to see her excitement and other than that we're just going to hang out relax. Also, today is a very special day in our household....drumroll please...Miss Emma Jo is 4 years old today! We've got one happy pup with her giant (messy) bone and 2 pig ears sent her way from her Grandpa. Happy Birthday EJ!

Linking up today with April from A. Liz Adventures, Amanda over at Meet @ the Barre and Karli with September Farm. for Friday 5 and Friday Favorites. Join in!



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