Reno Update

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Hey y'all! I have FINALLY gotten my act together and I'm ready to share an update on all things home renovation #3. We have been keeping ourselves busy and when the inside is still mostly down to studs, its hard to really see whats been going down via pictures alone. Exterior wise, I can share some mega changes. Our new windows were installed last week and let me tell y'all, I was super nervous about these babies going in.... all 37 of them to be exact. If you recall from previous posts, we decided to take the plunge and go with the black paned exterior windows to create a contrast since the home originally didn't have shutters. So I'm leaving work and driving to the new 'old' house..taking deep breaths...trying not to close my eyes because you know, I'm driving...pull in and look up at the new windows...

 Cut to this reaction with a side of 'whew':

I really like the way they turned out! They're definitely dark but for some reason I fall more in love with them every single time I drive up. They're way more modern-esq than I am used to but it really fits the home. Having them installed in the kitchen is the best part - no more plywood! The natural light in the future kitchen is unreal. You can also see how white the window wrapping is on the outside and that gets me super excited to get the new siding on. We're going with the thicker 7 inch white insulated siding and it will make the world of difference out there. Bring the sunglasses because this home has had a slight dingy hue to it since about 1973 y'all. Bless its heart. 
close-up of black pane design - new wrapping on left
Big picture window in living room - outside & inside view
inside kitchen with no more boarded up windows! Let there be light! Pineapple transom is going above the door - scroll down to see 

other side of kitchen - MORE light! 

We're keeping the diamond decorative windows white so the detail continues to stand out -
we felt like that character would have been lost if we went with black
Outside view of kitchen - deck will be expanded to span house

Also moving right a long (well sort of) is the roof. When the first sheets of metal went down {finally} I was definitely singing some praises. The charcoal versus the old green is definitely the vision I had in mind for this reno since day one. I can't wait to see this completely finished. The wiring and electric is just about finished and hubs + Pop have done a fantastic job adding this sort of work to their renovation resume. However, this leaves me with (I kid you not) 15 specific light fixtures that I need to start shopping for. I pretty much have the kitchen pendants, entryway, dining room, living room and bedroom lights picked out but I'm stumped on hallway pendants (I need 3) the top of the stairs fan versus light decision, sun room lights, closet chandeliers and wet bar....HELP!
too many lights!

Because this looks like a ball of fun ....

and speaking of lights - hubs just added 4 can lights yesterday to the closet so that a decorative chandelier won't be the only light source in there. I had randomly asked via text if it was too late to add these and he installed them in about 3 hours without even telling me. Ahhhhh true love y'all! (haha) #RenovationRomance Have I mentioned we've been through 3 renovations and we're still married?
4 extra can lights with wiring for chandy in the middle
Bring on the new closet! 

Last but not least - fast forward a couple of days - look what hubs and Father-in-law (Pop) installed! I know I've been talking about this beauty for so long it seems but to actually see it brought me to happy tears. I'm IN LOVE with this little custom piece and it just adds so much to the kitchen. Imagine the lights on at night time and seeing it from the outside too! I love that when you walk into the front door it will be the first thing you see down the long hallway.

#Pineapplelove #Swoon 

Overall things have been really coming together faster than I had originally imagined. Its my favorite thing in the world to see this gem of house being restored to its former glory. We still have a long way to go but this evening our HVAC guy is coming to do a walk through and we've hammered down dry wall cost estimates. If you're still reading, Thank you! Stay tuned for more updates and I'll be sure to do another recap once the roof is completed. After the roof completion, I'll try and start back up with weekly reno updates. In the meantime, follow my insta stories for more sneak peeks.

Happy Halloween y'all!

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Monday, October 29, 2018
Hey y'all! Happy Halloween week - I'm still shocked its the last week in October...seriously what is going on time wise? Is it just me feeling this way? However, HOLIDAY time is coming! Anyway we're coming off of a super busy weekend packed with tons of fun and lots of driving. Friday night My Mama and I saw A Star is Born and y'all oh my goodness what a fabulous movie! I ADORED Lady Gaga (with brown hair) and Bradley Cooper together. Give me more! (and cried my eyes out so be prepared) Saturday morning Andi had dance class and then we headed straight out of town to my friend Hillary's house for the night. We had dinner out that was paid for by a complete stranger (pay it forward y'all!) lots of pink champagne, girl time, crafts and fun. Even though it was a quick trip it was absolutely fantastic being together and having a little bit of girl time. 

On Sunday we headed back home semi-early to get ready for a friend's birthday party where the famous Elsa and Anna were making an appearance. It was probably the cutest thing since Belle being at Andi's birthday party back in April. Just to watch her expression and interations with them melted my heart and made my face hurt from smiling so much. I even teared up a little watching the wonder in her eyes when she sang a long to every word of Let it Go! Ah to be a little one that is totally princess obsessed! 

This week I have meeting after meeting, PTSA pumpkin lighting event tomorrow eveing, Halloween parties for school and trick-or-treating of course and then a nice mini girls getaway to the bay. Whew, bring it on! 

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Friday Favs

Friday, October 26, 2018
Hey y'all - Happy Friday! I'm so pumped that we are headed out of town to spend some time with my college bestie and her daughter (AKA my Goddaughter!) It is LONG overdue and even though we're only staying one night it will be well worth it. Another friend is joining us as well! #GirlsWeekend

Today I have no particular theme - just sharing 5 favorites that are on my radar. I'm linking up today with AndreaErika & Katie. Have a fabulous weekend y'all! 

1. If you didn't catch my review post about The Giving Sack - go check it out! The discount code (jessisdesign10) is valid through October 31.

2. Miss A is having a Halloween party next week at school and we've signed up to bring these cute little (and easy) snack pack bats. They also get to dress up and I must say that I'm pretty obsessed with her costume choice this year (she's super pumped about getting to wear red lipstick y'all)

3. Speaking of Halloween, I've been using these notes for Miss A's lunch this month - so simple and she loves having a different one taped on her lunchbox that her teacher helps her read. (Print them here)

4. Favorite recipe this week: Wild Mushroom & Pesto Linguine. We love all things mushrooms so when this called for two types we were sold! (recipe here)

only pic I took! 

5. We have some big progress news on the new 'old' house so be sure to check back on Monday for an (overdue) update on our home reno! For now, I think I've decided on a greek key trip for the curtains. However, I can't decide between green or blue. My house is predominately blue but I've tied in lots of greens into the living room recently so either of these options would compliment the theme. What are y'alls thoughts?

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WHW: The Giving Sack

Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Hey y'all and welcome to another What's Hap-'pinning' Wednesday. Be sure to link up with Jen and I each week to share what's currently going on with you! Today I'm coming at ya hard with a little pre-holiday prep but I promise its a GOOD reason to start thinking all things holiday a little early. As most of y'all know, I'm from a small town and I absolutely love it. There's just something in the water seriously. Everyone knows everyone but we're also a two college town so there's always something new and vibrant going on it seems. Also from my hometown - the author I'm about to feature. Leanne and I went to high school together and also cheered together (I should so share an old photo here but I'll hold back) She is so talented not only in writing but in all forms of art. (I actually have an original art piece from her as well in my dining room that you've probably seen in previous posts!) She is a great Mama and passionate about spreading kindness...cue her latest amazing venture The Giving Sack

The first time I read this book it made my heart so happy that I actually cried happy tears. I thought about my own daughter and how much stuff she gets each year and then thought about the thousands of children, even in our own town. that are very less fortunate. Not only is this book an amazing new tradition for your family to start, it's also a pretty darn fabulous teaching tool for kiddos. (in need of a great holiday gift? This book is the answer for sure!) The book is simple to read and understand and comes complete with your child's very own 'sack' and instructions on how to fill it. Without even reading the book yet, you probably understand the concept - spreading cheer and helping others in need. (and lets not forget the one parental perk here - its a great cleaning tool as well!) This book is exactly what we all need and I have absolute faith that this will be a well-loved tradition for kiddos all over the world.

check it out on Facebook here to learn more or follow along on Instagram

Also, if you want a head start on ordering your own copy - The Giving Sack is giving my readers a 10% discount code. Just use jessisdesign10 at checkout and get your copy today!

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WHW: Carpet Stair Runner

Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Alright y'all .... if you're anything like me, you cringe when you hear the word carpet. I generally do not like carpet in any square inch of my home or our renovations. I understand it can be well done in some cases and does help with noise barriers if for example you carpeted an upstairs or a bedroom but its usually just not my cup of tea. (Rugs on the other hand? I can't get enough!) So with this new 'old' house we've been working on, the stairs are located directly to your right when you walk in the door. My friend just did a leopard runner on her stairs in their recent reno and I am now SERIOSULY contemplating doing the same or at least something similar. I ran it by the hubs and waited for an immediate "absolutely not" and to my surprise y'all I was greeted with an unusual response..."Sure". Insert wide-eyed emoji and also insert running man because I'm taking off! 

I know the hubs will want to do it himself so I've educated myself on all things stair runner installation. See this article if you're just dying to see the process (click here) But here is where I need y'all's help: How the heck do I decide on a pattern? I originally said some sort of animal print ALL the way but the herringbone and greek key patterns are pretty fabulous too. I also love the gold stair accent rods. Take a look below and let me know your thoughts - I can't wait to read the comments! Check back next week with a roof and window update!

Thanks for linking up with us today!

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Friday 5

Friday, October 12, 2018

*Update: up all night last night with flooding, no power, downed trees & sirens but we’re ok! Praying for all those affected by Hurricane M. Stay safe!

Hey y'all! Happy Friday! Good week I hope? Tonight we have the big homecoming football game (Go Falcons!) and alumni tailgate and then tomorrow we're taking Miss A, after dance class, to the Autumn Days festival. Also, this weekend kicks off official Fall temps FINALLY with highs in the 60's and I am completely and utterly on board with that. (BREAK OUT THE TURTLENECKS & SWEATERS....yes, I love turtlenecks) 

 linking up today with Andrea, Erika & Katie. Have a fabulous weekend y'all!

1. Seriously y'all...HOW did I not jump on this bandwagon sooner? I absolutely adored this series and flew through it in record time. The decor, the style, the humor - I give it 2 thumbs up. I am SO ready for season 2 to start!

2. I'm pretty sure I need this skirt (or something similar) in my life. Christina over at Carolina Charm shared this one earlier in the week since Loft is doing a sale. I also need a denim jacket but have no idea where to snag one and I'm worried I'll look "frumpy"...any suggestions?

3. Pre-school and where do you Mamas store this stuff? I'm in no way, shape or form ready to toss any but I'm starting to panic on storage (haha) send ideas my way!

4. I have to have to have to make my family do this one year if its the last thing I do! In the meantime, Miss A is set on being a Victorian-esq princess so that she will be.

5. Favorite funny this week: if you want to immediately promote yourself to being my favorite person ever...just show up like this!

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WHW: Pic Dump

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Hey y'all! Welcome to another What's Hap-pinning Wednesday. Thanks for coming back each week and linking up with Jenn and little ole' me! Today I'm sharing an overload of pics and that's about all I got y'all..ha! I've been getting that dreaded your icloud space is low warning so I've been backing up pics left and right (Thanks to Brittany and her life saving suggestion of Google Photos) We recently kicked off Fall with our first oyster roast at the house and it was perfect despite the hot temps and killer mosquitoes. Seriously - we had Bug Busters come out after that night and spray to get rid of those suckers. We love Fall though and using the grill now versus in the h-o-t summer. For example, the propane tank thingy has been empty since June or July and now we get a new one. We also hung some lights and utilized the furniture finally. I'm thinking about having another one in November to celebrate the Hub's birthday.

And speaking of fun get-togethers, we recently attended Family Day at Foxfield races and again, despite the heat, we had an absolute blast. Miss A is now a full blown horse addict and we also made th mistake of early exposure to gambling y'all. She bet on a horse named 'Glitter Star' (of course) and won 6 bucks- she's hooked!

This week is Homecoming week so the excitement is contagious around this small town. Today was sports team day and Miss A rocked her Redskins gear (no haters!) which made her Cowboy loving father less than thrilled (Ha!) and tomorrow is character day so we ALL know she'll be donning her best Belle dress. (I'll apologize to the teacher in advance for the glitter trail) Tomorrow we have the bonfire and pep rally and then the big football game on Friday night. On Saturday we'll hit up the autumn days festival and then on Sunday we head to NC to pick up our custom pineapple transom!

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